Session S16 - Quantum symmetries
Monday, July 19, 16:00 ~ 16:25 UTC-3
Braided Zesting and its applications
Cesar Galindo
Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In this talk, I will introduce a construction of new braided fusion categories from a given category known as zesting. This method has been used to provide categorifications of new fusion rule algebras, modular data, and minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories. I will present a complete obstruction theory and parameterization approach to the construction and illustrate its utility with several examples.
Joint work with COLLEEN DELANEY (Indiana University), JULIA PLAVNIK (Indiana University), ERIC C. ROWELL (Texas A&M, USA), and AND QING ZHANG (Purdue University, USA).