Session S01 - Modeling and Computation for Control and Optimization of Biological and Physical Systems
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Mathematical modeling as a tool to explain different proliferation patterns in the diagnosis and relapse of leukemias
Miguel Angel Martínez Hernández
Central University Marta Abreu of Las Villas, Cuba - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent experimental evidence suggests that acute myeloid leukemias may arise from multiple clones of malignant cells. However, it is unknown how the observed clones may differ with respect to cellular properties, such as proliferation and self-renewal. There is little information on how the properties of cells change due to chemotherapy and relapse. We apply a mathematical model based on ordinary differential equations to investigate the impact of cell properties on the multi-clonal composition of leukemias. The simulations carried out imply that increased self-renewal is a key mechanism in the clonal selection process. Simulations suggest that rapid proliferation and high cell self-renewal dominate in the primary diagnosis, while relapse followed after therapy-induced remission is triggered mainly by high self-renewal, but slowly by proliferating cells.
Keywords: multi-compartment models, systems of differential equations, systems biology, clonal evolution, leukemias.