Session S16 - Quantum symmetries
No date set.
Algebraic structures in group-theoretical fusion categories
Ana Ros Camacho
Cardiff University, Wales - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Algebra objects (or simply, algebras) in categories with a tensor product are interesting mathematical objects that appear in a range of research topics in mathematical physics, like e.g. boundary conditions of rational conformal field theories, VOA extensions or spin topological field theories. In this talk, we generalize results from Ostrik and Natale that describe algebras in pointed fusion categories to the case of group-theoretical fusion categories. These algebras also have very nice properties that we will describe in detail.
Joint work with Yiby Morales (Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia), Monique Mueller (Universidade Federal de Sao Joao del-Rei, Brazil), Julia Plavnik (Indiana University, Bloomington; USA), Angela Tabiri (AIMS, Ghana) and Chelsea Walton (Rice University, USA).