MCA Awards Ceremony
Friday July 9th, 18hs (UTC-3)

MCA Awards Ceremony
Five MCA prizes, two Solomon Lefschetz medals and one Americas prize will be awarded.
Follow the award ceremony on our Youtube channel.

Program for sessions week
12-16 July

Special Sessions
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Delay and functional differential equations and applications | Day 1 |
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Mathematical-Physical Aspects of Toric and Tropical Geometry | Day 1 |
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Special functions and orthogonal polynomials | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 20:00 | Advances on Spaces of Non-absolutely Integrable Functions and Related Applications | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Geometric and Variational Methods in Celestial Mechanics | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Global Injectivity, Jacobian Conjecture, and Related Topics | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 20:00 | Recent progress in non-linear PDEs and their applications | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Spectral Geometry | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Stochastic Systems: Analysis, Numerics and Applications | Day 1 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Geometric and Analytic Aspects of General Relativity | Day 1 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | New Methods and Emerging Applications in Dynamics, Networks, and Control | Day 1 |

Special Sessions
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Delay and functional differential equations and applications | Day 2 |
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Mathematical-Physical Aspects of Toric and Tropical Geometry | Day 2 |
11:00 ~ 16:00 | Stochastic Systems: Analysis, Numerics and Applications | Day 2 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Differential Equations and Geometric Structures | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Galois representations and automorphic forms | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Interacting Stochastic Systems | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Spectral Geometry | Day 2 |
12:00 ~ 20:00 | Symbolic Computation: Theory, Algorithms and Applications | Day 1 |
12:00 ~ 16:00 | Theory and Applications of Coding Theory | Day 1 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | New Methods and Emerging Applications in Dynamics, Networks, and Control | Day 2 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Special functions and orthogonal polynomials | Day 2 |

Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Special Sessions

Program for Main Week
19-23 July

Opening Ceremony

Solutions of the divergence, decomposition of Lp-functions, and applications.
Ricardo Durán / Invited talk

Special sessions
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Applied Math and Computational Methods and Analysis across the Americas | Day 2 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Differential Equations and Geometric Structures | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Differential operators in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra | Day 2 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Geometric Potential Analysis | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | New Developments in Mathematical Fluid Dynamics | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Quantum symmetries | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Random Walks and Related Topics | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Theory and Applications of Coding Theory | Day 3 |

Diversities in Math
Youtube: http://bit.ly/MCA2021TV
Zoom: check the link in the forum
Invited speakers: Montse Cordero ( San Francisco State University) and Pamela Harris (William College)

The Mathematics of Interacting Particle Systems by Boltzmann Type flows
Irene Martínez Gamba / Invited talk

Special sessions
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Categorification, Higher Representation Theory, and Homological Knot Invariants | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Finite fields and applications | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Global Injectivity, Jacobian Conjecture, and Related Topics | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Harmonic Analysis, Fractal Geometry, and Applications | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Mathematics of Planet Earth | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry and Applications | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | New Methods and Emerging Applications in Dynamics, Networks, and Control | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Recent progress in non-linear PDEs and their applications | Day 2 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Symbolic Computation: Theory, Algorithms and Applications | Day 2 |

On the Geometry of a Homological Invariant of a Plane Curve Singularity
Xavier Gomez-Mont / Invited talk

Special sessions
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Advances on Spaces of Non-absolutely Integrable Functions and Related Applications | Day 2 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Categories and Topology | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Delay and functional differential equations and applications | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Diverse Aspects of Elliptic PDEs and Related Problems | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Galois representations and automorphic forms | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Geometric and Analytic Aspects of General Relativity | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Geometric and Variational Methods in Celestial Mechanics | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Spectral Geometry | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Symbolic and Numerical Computation with Polynomials | Day 3 |

Replica Symmetry Breaking for Sparse Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Allan Sly / Plenary talk

Asymptotic Mean Value Properties for Non Linear Partial Differential Equations
Julio Daniel Rossi / Invited talk

Observable events and typical trajectories in dynamical systems
Lai-Sang Young / Invited talk

Canonical Heights on Shimura Varieties and The Andre-Oort conjecture
Jacob Tsimerman / Invited talk

Special sessions
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Deterministic and probabilistic aspects of nonlinear evolution equations | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Mathematical-Physical Aspects of Toric and Tropical Geometry | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Number Theory in the Americas | Day 3 |

Symbolic systems, automorphism groups, and invariant measures
Bryna Kra / Invited talk

Nonnegative polynomials on algebraic curves and surfaces
Mauricio Velasco / Invited talk

Partially hyperbolic dynamics in hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Rafael Potrie / Invited talk

Special sessions
16:00 ~ 21:00 | Group actions in Differential Geometry | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Inverse Problems and Applications | Day 3 |
16:00 ~ 20:00 | Knots, Surfaces, 3-manifolds | Day 3 |

Other activities

Highlights from Springer Mathematics’ Latin American Portfolio
SpringerNature is proud to publish the Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, the Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society, Computational and Applied Mathematics, and the Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematics. We are grateful to our partners in Latin America for these opportunities, and look forward to telling you more about these journals and our other research from our Latin American community as well.
Springer will be also showcasing some recent mathematics book series, with a special focus on the applied side, as well as opportunities for book publication in Open Access.
Ramon Plaza, Marcelo Viana, Claudio Gorodski, Robinson dos Santos, Marc Strauss, Clemens Heine, Razia Amzad, Dorothy Mazlum